Who are we?

Sapulut Forest Development Sdn Bhd, or fondly known as Sapulut, is a sustainable forestry company in Sapulut, located in the state of Sabah, Malaysia.

For many decades, Sabah's rain forest was logged extensively for its valuable timber. Although such uncontrolled practices have since ceased, its effect is still felt today. Many once forested regions are so badly degraded they are lost forever. As a responsible forestry company, we hope to reverse the damage. Hence, we are making it our mission, bringing back the natural forest and manage it sustainably.

We treasure the forest not only for its beautiful timbers but also as a habitat to a plethora of flora and fauna, as well as the native communities. To enhance the forests under our care, we are determined to restore parts of the degraded forest with well-thought replanting programs that includes indigenous and wildlife-friendly trees. This increases biodiversity and is the key to reviving the ecosystem to provide economic, environment and social services.

If you find our quest interesting and want to help us make a difference, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Thank you.

Sapulut Forestry Development Sdn Bhd

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Commitment in Forestry Management Certification

Through our management prescriptions and standard operating procedures (SOPs), Sapulut is committed to good practices consistent with the requirements of certification. All our managers, officers, staff and contractors are required to follow such SOPs.

Although we are not certified yet, we are already being managed under sound forest management principles as promulgated by MC&I (Forest Plantation) and MC&I (Natural Forest), in compliance with existing forestry laws and policies, with the overall goal to achieve sustainability and balance of economic, social and environmental goals and policies.

Sapulut is committed to achieving certification, and also committed to maintain such when certified. We believe certification is positive for the Company, as well as the industry.  

MC&I (Natural Forest)
MC&I (Forest Plantation)

1 comment :

  1. Blogi on väga kasulik! MetsaABC on parim metsa ülestöötamise ja majandamise teenuse pakkuja Eesti kohalikul metsaturul. Nende teenused hõlmavad hakkepuidu ostmist virnastatud võsa kujul ja raiejäätmete ostmist. Hakkepuidu tootmiseks sobivad hästi paju- ja lepavõsa ning muud vähem väärtuslikud puuliigid. Samuti ei sobi erinev puit saematerjalile parasiitide või mädaniku tõttu. MetsaABC suudab pakkuda võsaostu jaoks parimat hinda, kuna neil on otsene kokkupuude koostootmisjaamadega. Teenuste kavandamisel peavad nad arvestama kliendi nõuete, ootuste ja visiooniga parimate võimalike teenuste pakkumisel. Erinevad raied, mida metsamajandamisel võib vaja minna, on valgustusraie, harvendusraie, lageraie, katkendlik raie.
    Metsa Hooldus
    võsa ost
